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Nutria - Squirrel - Hare
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Prep Time: 1 Minutes
Cook Time: 120 Minutes
Ready In: 121 Minutes
Servings: 3
Hubby used to disappear into the woods and bring something home and announce This is supper, ok? Being a novice in the kitchen and a big city gal at the same time, I deviced this one. Been using this recipe ever since (38 years now). I serve this with Fried Potatoes.
1 nutria or 1 squirrels or 1 hares
1 quart water
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon salt
1/4 cup shortening or 1/4 cup bacon grease
1/3 cup flour
salt and pepper
1 pint meat stock, about
1. Combine the water, lemon juice and salt.
2. Soak meat for 1 to 2 hours, removes some of the game flavor (also a good soak for fish).
3. Combine flour, salt and pepper.
4. Dredge meat to coat on all sides.
5. Heat oven to 325ºF.
6. Heat grease in a heavy skillet.
7. Fry meat 3 minutes on all sides and transfer to a baking dish.
8. Add the remaining flour mix to the leftover grease and brown lightly.
9. Transfer this mix to the baking dish.
10. Pour the stock into baking dish and bake for 1 1/2 hour.
11. Keep an eye on the moisture, the flour will make a gravy, and you may have to add more liquid.