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Nonfat Caramel Candy
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 4
A simple, nonfat sweet recipe! Great for kids 8)
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg white
1. Melt brown sugar, until caramelized.
2. Slowy add in water and continue cooking.
3. Stir constantly. You don't want it to stick!
4. Stir, cooking until the soft ball stage, or 240°F.
5. Next, slowly pour brown sugar mix into stifly beaten egg white.
6. Beat continuously.
7. Add in vanilla extract, beating until mix is thick enough to drop.
8. When ready, drop with small spoonfuls onto wax paper.
9. Let cool well before eating!