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New Year's Day Punch
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Prep Time: 35 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 35 Minutes
Servings: 1
Southerners are known for punches and this one from Petersburg, VA is typical. The recipe came from a cookbook published many years ago by Christ and Grace Episcopal Church. The tea should be made using 6 tsp. black tea and 2 tsp. green tea.
1 dozen lemon, peeled
1 lb sugar
1 quart tea
1 quart rum
1 quart gin
2 quarts sparkling water
1. Place the lemon peels in a bowl and pour the boiling tea over them. Squeeze the lemon juice over the sugar. When the tea is cool, strain out the lemon peels and combine with the sugar-lemon juice. Add the rum. If you wish you can stop here and bottle this mixture which will keep in a cool place indefinitely. When ready to serve the punch, add the gin and the sparkling water. Serve over a large block of ice or 1 quart of crushed ice, if desired.