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My Sweetnspicy Beanie Weanies
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 14
These are not your boring baked beans. Very tasty.... I created this 19 yrs ago whenever we moved away from home and all we had to cook on was a hotplate , we had lived in a non-applaince cabin. LOL. Now my beanie weanies are requested by family and friends at get-togethers and such. Read more . But these are a excellant side dish to a cookout ! I just love them and you can eat them for a main meal too. Warning men love them and they are slow filling until you had to many..LOL enjoy and have fun!
3 15 oz. van camps pork and beans
2 pckgs of 12 oz armour hot dogs
1 vidalia onion
1 and half cup of tomato ketchup
2 t yellow mustard
2 cups of white granulated sugar
1 cup light brown sugar
1 tsp. of cayenne seasonings
half cup of chili powder
1. In a 2 quart pot, Open van camp beans empty into pot. Turn stovetop on medium low... Cut up your hot dogs into slices can go ahead and add to beans... Cut up or chop your onions into diced pieces,add.
2. Measure and stir in your ketchup, mustard and sugars , stir in your chili powder and cayenne seasoning. Cook all the mixture for 10 mintues on medium, then turn down to simmer and cool .Will take a dark carmelized color and thicken...Soooo good... can sprinkle more chili powder or cayenne if desired...
3. Enjoy...