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My Banneton Sourdough Boule
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 8
My passion is also sourdough baking. Been using the same culture for over 10 years!
note prep time for rising is many hours, i didn't list it in prep time
1 cup thick active bubbly sourdough starter
3 cups bread flour (more for the counter)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 to 2 tbs. olive oil
enough bottled water, warm (varies related to each recipe : humidity, sourdough culture, quality of flour, etc.)
1. Procedure
2. Place culture, flour, salt, sugar, oil into Cuisinart with plastic dough blade.
3. Using the plastic dough blade I turn on the machine and gradually add enough water (via feed tube) until a soft, pliable dough ball forms.
4. I machine process for about 3 to 5 minutes.
5. I may need to add a bit more of flour if the dough seems too wet when felt with my fingers.
6. If using dough hooks in a stand mixer or a dough mix cycle of the bread machine, the important thing is to achieve the quality of a well mixed, pliable, non sticky dough similar to a yeast based textured bread dough.
7. The above is what I do though one may achieve similar results by using any method one may choose.
8. I then turn the dough out to a lightly floured surface and hand knead a few minutes longer.
9. I form the dough into a round ball.
10. The dough is placed seam side up in the banneton because when inverted the smooth bottom with floured impressions now becomes the top of the loaf.
11. The prepared bread dough is simply risen in the floured banneton until it reaches the top of the banneton.
12. 100% sourdough takes many , many hours to rise puffy, whereas yeast included breads take much less time to rise.
13. However, prevent over rising which causes a dough which easily deflates.
14. When properly risen, the dough is carefully inverted onto a baking stone. (The risen boule is delicate so I recommend to avoid the possibility of deflating it, by lifting it into the oven on the surface, like a baking sheet or stone, on which it will rest during baking.
15. Experienced bakers may prefer to bake on a preheated stone, using a cornmeal-dusted peel to recieve the risen boule from the banneton and to convey it onto the hot stone.)
16. Bake the bread on the middle rack, at 425-450°F., about 25 to 30 minutes or until well browned.
17. Mist bread with water if desired during baking. (Some people prefer to put a small pan filled with water on the bottom of the oven or bottom oven rack or throw in a few ice cubes into an empty pan - all which generate steam and also help achieve a good crust.)
18. Use a peel or oven mitts to remove bread carefully to a rack to cool. Let cool completely before slicing.
19. Slicing a warm loaf will compress it's airy structure. Bread freezes well.