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My Aunt Lynns Pastry
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 4
This is my Aunt's pie crust, as written out for my mom who couldn't make pie crust to save her life. I said 4 for serving size, as it makes enough for 4 crusts or 2 double-crusted pies. It's not a sweet crust, so it works well for savory appetizer tartlets too. Read more . I guessed at the cooking time - as it varies from pie to pie. Freezes well - just shape into balls big enough for a pie crust.
2 cups shortening
6 cups flour (all-purpose or cake & pastry)
2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 egg beaten + 2 tbsp white vinegar + water to equal 1 cup
1. In a big bowl, cut shortening with a pastry cutter. Add flour (sift if using all-purpose) and salt, small amounts at a time and cut into the shortening.
2. To dry ingredients, add water/ vinegar/ egg mixture slowly. Mix & cut until dough is crumbly. Do not mix until smooth or it will turn out like mom's (hard and heavy).
3. Refridgerate until chill, roll out thinly.
4. Makes enough for 2 double-crusted pies.