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Mussels on the Barbecue
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Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 2
This one comes from Rex Hunt Fishing Adventures and the segment of Chef Lain Hewitson. I told a friend about it and she asked me to write it down. I decided someone else might like me to share it too; so, here it comes.
1 lb fresh mussels
1 small onion (chopped)
fresh parsley (chopped)
black pepper
1 garlic clove
olive oil
dry white wine
1. Scrub the mussels very well and remove the beards.
2. Take a generous bit of aluminum cooking foil, place the mussels in the middle.
3. Add the onion, some parsley, black pepper to taste and the mashed garlic clove.
4. Sprinkle with olive oil and a bit of wine; don’t get carried away because the mussels will let out some juice too.
5. Fold up the foil into a very tight packet (‘tight’ meaning ‘well closed’); even wrap it up in a second foil sheet if you need to. NO moisture should be able to escape.
6. Put in a lidded barbeque (Weber) in the direct heat of the coals (i.e. straight above them).
7. Grill for 8 to 10 minutes, checking for readiness.
8. Remove the mussels from the barbecue as soon as they open. Discard any that did not open.
9. Serve with or without the shells with the juice on top.