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Moustalevria (Grape Wine Pudding)
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 40 Minutes
Ready In: 45 Minutes
Servings: 7
This is not my recipe - I just changed the words 'wine sludge' to the more appetizing (and correct) 'wine must'. But it tells me this recipe needs a description for it to take the correction, so this is it. - evelyn/athens
8 cups mousto (wine must)
1 cup semolina or 1 cup flour
1/4 cup wood ash (no kidding)
1. Bring the mousto to a boil.
2. Place the ash in a cheese cloth and tie it.
3. Place the sealed cheese cloth in with the boiling mousto for 10 minutes.
4. This is done to reduce the bitterness of the wine.
5. If the mousto begins to froth, scoop it off the top and discard.
6. Let the mousto sit and then strain once the residue has settled to the bottom.
7. Remove the ash.
8. Taste the mousto and if it is not sweet enough add sugar to your discretion.
9. Let it continue to boil for an additional 30 minutes.
10. Then let the mousto sit until it has cooled and throw in the semolina or flour and beat with a wooden spoon.
11. Place the mousto in plates and let it set.
12. Garnish with chopped almonds or walnuts and sprinkle sesame seeds and cinnamon.