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Merveilles Frites De Bourgogne (Fried Wonders from Burgundy)
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Prep Time: 720 Minutes
Cook Time: 4 Minutes
Ready In: 724 Minutes
Servings: 10
I remember having these when I visited Dijon. I have never tried to make them myself but the ones I had in Dijon were pretty wonderful. Prep time includes resting time for dough.
250 g flour
3 eggs
40 g sugar
1 lemon zest
30 ml cognac
80 g softened butter
1 pinch salt
50 g powdered sugar
600 g oil
400 g lard
1. The day before: In a bowl mix flour and sugar, dig a well in the center, pour in eggs, brandy, butter and lemon zest.
2. Mix it well until dough is smooth.
3. Wrap the dough in a cloth and set aside in the refrigerator overnight so it rests.
4. On the next day, roll out the dough in a square, 2 to 3 mm thick. Cut strips 2 cm wide and 7 cm long. (Try flour as little as possible so as not to alter the proportions of the recipe, so the flavors.).
5. Heat the mixture of lard and oil has about 140 ยบ C in a deep-fryer.
6. Fry 3 to 4 minutes.
7. Dab with a cloth to remove excess oil.
8. Sprinkle with icing sugar and eat while still warm.