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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 5
4 1/2 cup(s) milk
125ml tapioca
2 tablespoon(s) butter
3 tablespoon(s) cornflour
2 tablespoon(s) custard powder
2 tablespoon(s) flour
0 3/5 teaspoon(s) salt (3ml)
2 eggs (seperated)
cinnamon sugar
1. Bring 3 cups milk to boil with butter in large saucepan.
2. Soak tapioca in one cup of milk for a while (10-15 min)
3. Mix cornfour, custard powder, flour and salt to paste with remaining 125 ml milk and add to the sago mixture. Add to the boiling milk and cook until thickened, stirring continually.
4. Beat the egg yolks, mix with a little of milk and stir into the contencts of the saucepan. Whisk the egg whites until stiff and fold into the mixture. Serve with cinnamon sugar.