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Mashed Fauxtatos
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 20 Minutes
Servings: 4
Creamy smooth and flavorful enough to replace mashed potatos!
head of cauliflower
1 brown shallot
3 celery sticks
4 garlic cloves
2 tbls wheat free tamari
1 cup non fat cream cheese
1 stick of very fat butter
1. Wash and quarter cauliflower
2. Steam cauliflower until soft
3. Chop celery, brown shallot and garlic cloves, then dump then in a Cusiniart chop and grind to a slurry
4. Mash cauliflower like you would potatoes in a large sauce pot
5. On low heat stir in stick of butter, cream cheese and Tamari
6. Add celery, garlic, shallot slurry
7. Beat with a mixer until creamy smooth