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Marzipear S'more
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Prep Time: 4 Minutes
Cook Time: 4 Minutes
Ready In: 8 Minutes
Servings: 1
As promised, here is a recipe from the S'mores-Gourmet Treats for EVERY Occasion by Lisa Adams. I highly recommend this book if you are a sweet/treat lover. All of the recipes look great and it has great party/serving ideas. The instructions given in the front of the book suggest all different ways from cooking the s'more; from campfire, to stove top, to microwave, to oven. I'll leave the cooking part to your discretion as everyone knows how to make a s'more (or at least I hope they do).
2 -4 pieces marzipan filled chocolate
1 graham cracker, broken in half
1 large marshmallow
1 slice pear, cut into a 1/2 inch slice (fresh and ripe)
1. Arrange the marzipan chocolate cubes on half of the graham cracker and melt.
2. Roast the marshmallow.
3. Once chocolate has melted, remove the cracker from the heat source and add the pear slice.
4. Top with the roasted marshmallow and other half of the graham cracker.