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Malaysian Chicken and Potato Curry
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 45 Minutes
Servings: 6
This is my mom’s favorite chicken curry recipe. I get very good reviews whenever I make it. I don’t have a specific cooking time; it just depends on the size of the chicken and potatoes. I like using the A1 curry powder, but it is quite hard to find, so I suggest any regular curry powder. Madras curry powder is a little too bitter and yellow for my liking, and Thai curry powder has a totally different taste. So experiment till you get your favorite combination and enjoy! Michelle T
5 -6 medium sized chicken pieces
2 -3 potatoes
1 inch ginger
5 pieces red shallots
2 garlic cloves
1 cinnamon stick
3 whole cloves
2 star anise
2 tablespoons curry powder
1 cup coconut milk
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup water
1 tablespoon lime juice
1 teaspoon salt
1. Mince garlic, and shallots. Peel and cut potatoes into 1.5 inch cubes. Mix curry powder with the 1 cup water. Set aside.
2. Heat the 2 tbsp oil in a pot on medium high heat. When the oil is hot fry Ginger, Shallots, Garlic, Cinnamon stick Clove and Star Anise until fragrant (Careful not to burn). Add curry powder paste.
3. Put in chicken and cook until chicken is half done. Add potatoes. Stir every couple of minutes, so that the bottom won’t burn and everything is cooked evenly. Add in the coconut milk and salt.
4. If you like your curry watery, just add water a little at a time.
5. When potatoes are cooked, simmer for a little while more. Poke the chicken to make sure it’s not red on the inside. The Potatoes should be tender but not soft until it turns to mush.
6. After cooking I usually fish out the spices, like the cloves, anise, cinnamon, and ginger, because it is quite unpleasant to bite into them because they have such a strong taste.