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Magical Orange Cake or Loaf
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 35 Minutes
Ready In: 40 Minutes
Servings: 10
This is a truly simple cake to bake and tastes delicious. I am sure you will be delighted with the result. For a slight variation, try adding a handful of chocolate chips, dried fruit or coconut etc. Experiment with you favourite flavours! An exceptionally quick to prepare - just perfect for those work shouts, afternoon teas and cake stalls. This recipe should be in every busy bakers recipe collection! Enjoy ...
1 orange, rind and pulp of
125 g butter
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 1/2 cups self rising flour
1. Heat oven to 180°C.
2. Line loaf or cake tin with baking paper.
3. Wash the orange and cut into segments.
4. Process the orange to a pulp - pips, rind and all!
5. Melt butter in microwave. (Use a bowl big enough to hold all ingredients)
6. Stir in the sugar
7. Mix in the eggs one at a time.
8. Add the pulped orange - stir to combine.
9. Gently stir in sifted flour.
10. Bake for approx 35 mins or ready when tested with a skewer.
11. All done - so simple!