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Little Mountains Coconut Tart
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 18 Minutes
Ready In: 18 Minutes
Servings: 8
Using the same coconut macaroons batter in my previous posting (glazed cherries coconut macaroons) and with my favored hazelnuts chocolate crust, I wanted to create a different and unusual tart. Look carefully at the coconut macaroons, it really look like small Alp mountains! Read more !!
2 cups chocolate cookies crumbs
113g/1/4 pound (1 stick) of melted butter
1/3 cup coarsely chopped hazelnuts
coconut macaroons
please check my posting
glazed-cherries-coconut-macaroons.html >glazed cherries coconut macaroons
1 package vanilla pudding
cocoa powder
icing sugar
2 tbsp toasted almonds
1. For the Crust: Preheat Oven at 350°F. Combine cookie crumbs, melted butter, and hazelnuts in a bowl and mix. Spread in the bottom and sides of a 9 loose bottom tart pan Bake in oven for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside.
2. Start making macaroons while crust is cooling. Pipe macaroons mixture in small rosettes all around the edge of the tart and one in the center. Bake only for 8 minutes in a preheated oven 380F. You don’t want them to be stiff or that crunchy, only a little bit soft inside. Cool .
3. Make the vanilla pudding according to directions and pour in a measuring cup to cool slightly, stirring occasionally. Pour over the crust making sure not to touch the macaroons. You want them to look like they are mountains sinking in water. Chill for 2 hours. Sift cocoa powder over each macaroons. Sprinkle filling with Almonds
4. and sift little icing sugar over them.
5. N.B This one must be taken out 40 minutes before serving…You want the macaroons to be soft when served.