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Lick-The-Bowl-Clean Bacon-Broccoli Salad
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Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 10
First time I had this at a church potluck, another lady and I were nearly fighting over the last serving-it was SO good! So we took the empty bowl and went looking for the owner to BEG for the recipe. Here it is!
8 slices bacon
3 bunches fresh broccoli (and cauliflower)
6 green onions (or one large onion)
1/2-1 cup raisins
1/2-1 cup nuts (cashews are the best!)
1 cup mayonnaise (no substitutes)
1/2 cup white sugar (or less)
1 1/2-2 tablespoons cider vinegar
1. Fry the bacon; break into pieces; set aside.
2. Trim broccoli stems, cut into 1/2 - 1-inch pieces; cut flower ends into small pieces, too; put into a large serving bowl.
3. Slice green onions into the broccoli (large onion should be chopped).
4. Add raisins and nuts to the broccoli and onions; tossing well.
5. Add bacon now or wait until serving time if you don't like it to get soggy-ish.
6. DRESSING: Mix dressing ingredients in a small bowl until sugar dissolves.
7. Add dressing to the broccoli mixture; stir well to coat everything.
8. If you didn't add the bacon earlier, add it now.
9. Best served at room temperature.
10. OPTIONS: Leave out the raisins or nuts or bacon-just don't leave them all out at the same time. Instead of 3 bunches of broccoli, add some cauliflower-very pretty, too!