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Lemony Sweet Carrots
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 3 Minutes
Ready In: 8 Minutes
Servings: 4
I discovered all of my lemonade mix was gone except for 1 tblsp. I had just opened a can of sliced carrots. This recipe was born. So simple but makes carrots delicious. Double the recipe for two cans of sliced carrots if you wish. You may use any sugar variety including Splenda blend brown sugar. I had requests to serve more than one can at the next meal. Microwave or stovetop. Your choice.
1 (15 ounce) can sliced carrots with juice
1 tablespoon lemonade mix
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 teaspoon margarine
1. Pour out 1/3 of the liquid in the can of carrots.
2. Pour the canned carrots with saved liquid in a saucepan or serving bowl.
3. Add lemonade mix, brown sugar and margarine.
4. Stir to mix.
5. Place a microwave cover over serving bowl. Microwave 3 minutes at 50% power. Stop, check and stir at 1 1/2 MINUTES. DO NOT LET ALL OF THE LIQUID EVAPORATE. Start again and cook.
6. Place on stove to simmer then low heat and cook until liquid is almost gone. Stir once.
7. About 5 to 8 minutes.