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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 1
5 pound(s) polyface pork fat
1. A Crock pot (a 4-qt holds 5 lbs of fat – very convenient huh?)
2. Strainer or cheese cloth or slotted spoon
3. Clean container to store your lard in (I use wide-mouth quart jars)
4. Thaw the lard. I usually set mine in the sink overnight. Put it into your crockpot. Turn your crockpot to LOW and let it sit all day until all of the fat is melted and appears clear.
5. Pour it through your strainer or cheese cloth, or pull out the chunks of fat that are left. If you want to, you can fry these for cracklin’s. I disposed of mine.
6. Pour the lard into your containers, let them cool just a bit, then refrigerate it. It will keep almost indefinitely in the fridge.
7. I have also run the crockpot over night and then strained it in the morning. Worked perfectly. 10 pounds of fat makes about 3 quarts of lard.