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Kraut And Noodles
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 6
A friend's german mother made this for a BBQ I went to many years ago. It was served cold, but It's still good warm. It's a little different, but if you like sour, it can't be beat. I put that it serves 6, but at my house it doesn't make that many. Read more . Enjoy !
1 stick oleo (i use margarine. can you tell how old this recipe is )
1 pkg. kluski noodles (these may be hard to find. reames egg noodles in the freezer section of your grocery store are similar)
1 tsp. lemon pepper seasoning
1 onion, chopped
1 16 oz can kraut
1. Boil noodles until done.
2. Saute onions in oleo until limp.
3. Stir together.
4. Serve hot or cold
5. Can add mushrooms