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Korean Kimchified Onions
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 1 Minutes
Ready In: 6 Minutes
Servings: 8
HERE'S MY WARNING: It's HOT. If you can't handle'll die. If you can, You HAVE to try this. When I eat noodles, I NEED to have Kimchi with it or I'd rather not eat it. I need something crunchy and I need something spicy. This recipe is something my mom came up with years ago when she was forced to sit and eat pho with me. The restaurant didn't give us enough soy bean sprouts (for the crunch) so my mom asked for some sliced onions. She squirted some sriracha sauce on it. I laughed and asked if she was making kimchi-onions or something. She laughed and put some of her creation on top of her noodles. I followed...and came to LOVE her onion side dish. On later trips, she squeezed in some lime juice and added sliced jalapenos. Now, I can't eat pho without my mom's kimchified onions. day, I ran out of kimchi but was craving ramen. After opening the fridge several times in hopes that I'll find some sort of kimchi hiding in some random spot, I saw the sriracha sauce and thought about making the onion dish. The problem was that I didn't have lime...and I didn't have any jalapenos. When I make something and find that I don't have an ingredient, I won't make it. But since I remembered having it with just the onion and sriracha sauce long ago, I decided to just go for it. It was a good combo! In fact, I now only use onion and sriracha sauce. I've tried it in place of kimchi with a lot of other food and thought it was good.
1 small onion
6 tablespoons sriracha sauce
1 lime juice (it's really don't need it) (optional)
1 jalapeno, sliced (it's really don't need it) (optional)
1. Peel onion and slice in half.
2. Slice each half thinly.
3. Dump onions in a bowl.
4. (OPTIONAL) Slice one jalapeno thinly.
5. Dump the jalapenos into the bowl.
6. Squirt in enough Sriracha sauce to cover the onions, then mix everything.
7. (OPTIONAL) Squirt in some lime juice.
8. Enjoy right away!
9. You can refrigerate it if you want the onion to become softer and for the onion juice to blend w/the hot sauce. Leftover sauce? Dump it over the onions the next time you make it.