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Kartoffelkloessen Potato Dumplings
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 12 Minutes
Ready In: 12 Minutes
Servings: 4
Anglicized to Potato Glaze in the Ohio River Valley ( kloesse sounds like glaze ), these are the classic accompaniment to sauerbraten and many other dishes.
1 1/2 lbs. baking potatoes (about two)
1 1/2 t. salt
1/2 c. flour, approximately
1/8 c. potato starch (you can use cornstarch, if you can't get potato starch)
1 large egg
2 slices good (not spongy) bread
1 t. ea: butter and vegetable oil
1. Trim the breadcrusts, and cut into 1/2-inch cubes. Saute in the butter and oil until golden, and drain on a paper towel. Boil the potatoes until done, then drain and cool (the point is so you don't burn yourself; the potatoes don't have to be room temp). Peel, then cut into large pieces, and refrigerate the potatoes until cold. Rice the potatoes, mix with salt, and add the flour and potato starch. Add the egg, and mix with your hands until you have a dough. The dough should barely be sticky. Add more flour if you need to, but only enough to get the dough just barely sticky. Form the dough into balls, about 1/4 c. for each one. Stick a cube of bread into the center, then roll in your hands to enclose it. Simmer the klössen in salted water until they float, about ten to twelve minutes. Don't boil the water, or they'll fall apart.