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Joan Fairweathers Shortbread
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 70 Minutes
Ready In: 70 Minutes
Servings: 12
This is a recipe that a friend gave me, a churchwoman who produced this many and many a time for church bake sales, fayres and outings. It always disappeared 'like snaw aff a dyke' (like snow off a wall) ie. very soon - except of course if you live in a really cold place, which in Glasgow we don't! Read more ! However, you get the idea.
6 oz. margarine (it must be the solid kind eg. cookeen or stork). you could try using butter if you want, as this is obviously the traditional ingredient, but i am quoting joan's recipe, and she swore by marge!)
3 oz. caster sugar
6 oz. plain flour, well mixed with
3 oz. cornflour (i think that's cornstarch in us. it's the stuff you would use to thicken a sauce.)
some extra caster sugar with which to dredge the top
1. Preheat your oven to just over Gas Mark 2 (150C/300F)
2. Beat all the ingredients together until the mixture is like dough.
3. Press into a rectangular shape in a swiss roll tin (I think that's a jelly roll tin in US). It doesn't need to go right to the edge but it should be, I reckon, about 1/2 - 3/4 inch thick.
4. Smooth with the hand and make a neat edge to the rectangle with the back of a teaspoon.
5. Prick all over with a fork.
6. Put in the oven and bake for 25 minutes.
7. Then, turn the heat down to just below Gas Mark 2.
8. Bake for another 25 minutes.
9. Turn off the heat, but do not open the oven door for 20 minutes.
10. Take out, cut in pieces and dredge with caster sugar within 5 minutes.
11. Let it go cold in the tin.