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Prep Time: 30 Minutes
Cook Time: 1440 Minutes
Ready In: 1470 Minutes
Servings: 6
If You like jalebis you must try this simple recipe from .
2 cups self raising flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup yoghurt
oil (for deep frying)
1 cup sugar
3 saffron strands
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
2 drops orange food coloring
2 tablespoons rose water
1. Mix the flour, baking powder and yoghurt into a batter and keep aside for 24 hours to ferment.
2. Pour batter into a ketchup dispensing bottle.
3. To make sugar syrup: Melt the sugar with the rose water and boil to get a one thread consistency.
4. To check for one thread consistency, carefully dip the tip of your index finger into the syrup, touch your finger and thumb together and gently tease apart. If one thread is formed between your finger and thumb the syrup is done.
5. Turn off fire, add the saffron strands and cardamom and stir well.
6. Heat the oil in a deep wok-like dish. To test for the right temperature, drop a small amount of batter into the oil. If it sizzles and rises to the top of the oil, the oil is hot enough. Keep the flame on medium at all times to ensure all round cooking of the jalebis.
7. Now hold the ketchup dispenser over the hot oil and squeeze the batter into the oil into a wiggly, randomly coiled circle. Squeeze out several at a time.
8. Fry till light golden and then remove and put directly into the sugar syrup.
9. Allow to soak for 2-3 minutes and then remove.
10. Serve warm.