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Irish Cookies
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 7 Minutes
Ready In: 7 Minutes
Servings: 2
Recipe is old, had this since I was a little person learning to cook.
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup shorting
1/2 cup raisins juice
1-1/4 cup cooked raisins
1 tsp soda dissolved in juice
2 eggs
1 tsp. nutmeg
3-3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup nuts chopped
1 cup sugar
1. Cook raisins in water, save juice to mix with soda.
2. Cream brown sugar and shorting and raisins and juice
3. Add eggs
4. Add flour, nutmeg and nuts
5. Last add sugar
6. Mix and then bake as cookies, nice spoon full.
7. bake 375 about 7 min, or light brown. Do not over cook as it will make them hard.