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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 3 Minutes
Ready In: 13 Minutes
Servings: 16
I had this a few years back and have never had another hotdog that wasn't made this way ... I hope you enjoy it as much as my family does. I am sure there are many different variations of this hotdog but the way you prepare and cook it makes a difference... and on that note I hope you enjoy it !!!
8 hot dogs (wienies)
8 hot dog buns
2 tomatoes, diced
1/2 white onion, diced
1 (5 ounce) can jalapenos, diced
8 slices bacon, one per wienie
butter, for the buns (you can use the grease from the bacon)
1. 1. Dice and set aside all the veggies.
2. 2. Wrap the wienies with the bacon covering end to end.
3. 3. Heat your skillet.
4. 4. When all of your wienies have been wrapped place them in the skillet and cook the bacon until crisp all around careful not to burn the wienie.
5. 5. After you have crisped the bacon make an incision from end to end careful not to cut all the way thru.
6. 6. Open the wienie and cook cut side down till slightly browned.
7. 7. Set the cooked wienies aside and toast the hotdog buns either in the bacon grease mmm or use another skillet and add a little butter and toast either way it is delicious.
8. 8.When the buns are ready add the bacon wrapped wienies to the buns cut side up.
9. 9. Add the mayo, mustard, and ketchup in that order in the center of the wienie.
10. 10. Then add the onion, tomato, and jalapenos in that order.
11. 11. NOW Enjoy !