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Hot Sauce Chicken
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 8
Easy chicken appetizer recipe that is different and healthy too! We call it Shatta wala (hot sauce) chicken.
2 lbs chicken cut ups
1/2 cup tabasco pepper sauce
1 tsp carom seeds (ajwaain)
1 heaped tsp coriander seed powder
1tsp or to taste salt
1 tsp cooking oil (optional)
1. Trim Chicken of all fat and place in a bowl.
2. Mix together all the ingredients except oil in the hot sauce and pour over chicken, mix well and let sit for at least 2 hours.
3. Place chicken in a wide mouthed pan and cook over medium to low heat until fully cooked about 30 minutes. Stir once or twice if needed using the pan handles and no spoon. Do not add any water as the meat will cook in its own juices. If the meat is not cooked after the juices have dried sprinkle some water and cook sometime with the lid on.
4. Once cooked all the liquid will be dry, add some oil for the glazed look but this is opitional. Serve hot with chutney or raita.