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Horseradish Hair Treatment
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 5 Minutes
Servings: 6
Horseradish has a hot, refreshing taste and adds zip to a meal when used as a condiment. Did you know that horseradish also makes a wonderful hair treatment? Horseradish is a member of the cabbage family. These roots increase blood flow to the skin and this process prevents hair loss. It is best to use fresh horseradish roots. Yoghurt is added for a smoother consistency. Note: You may use freshly grated horseradish root or bottled horseradish root for this recipe.
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1/4 cup freshly grated horseradish root
1. Mix both ingredients together to form a smooth paste.
2. Massage this mixture into your hair and scalp.
3. Wrap your hair in a plastic wrap or use a plastic shower cap.
4. Leave the conditioner on your hair for 15 minutes.
5. Shampoo your hair as usual.
6. Rinse well and dry with a clean towel.