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Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 35 Minutes
Servings: 4
Here's an appetizer that will keep them guessing. They are very good, a bit bizarre and cetainly different. They are a bit sweet and sour flavored.A regular treat (pun)
8 large prunes, steamed until tender & pitted
1 tablespoon gherkin, minced
1 tablespoon rice, cooked
1 tablespoon chutney, chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon paprika
worcestershire sauce
2 slices bacon, cut into 4 pieces each,you may need 3 slices
1. Stuff the prunes with the next five ingredients.
2. Dip in Worcestershire sauce.
3. Wrap a piece of bacon around each prune, secure with a tooth pick.
4. Broil until the bacon is crisp, serve hot.