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Grandma's Perfect Crescent Rolls
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Prep Time: 45 Minutes
Cook Time: 60 Minutes
Ready In: 105 Minutes
Servings: 24
These rolls are rich, moist, soft, buttery, and downright wholesome! You will need a machine large enough to knead a dough with 7-9 c. of bread flour, unless you cut this recipe in half. I recommend SAF instant yeast, but others will work almost as well. The dough can also be used for making Parkerhouse rolls or even to fill with a meat filling. I use a machine called a Bosch bread mixer, which can easily handle this much dough, but a large Kitchen Aid should work as well. Enjoy.
3 cups whole milk
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick)
3 tablespoons instant yeast (see above)
3 large eggs, slightly beaten
1 tablespoon salt
7 -8 cups bread flour (or as needed)
1/2 cup butter, melted (for dipping and brushing later)
1. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat until completely melted. Add the milk and sugar, turn heat to very low, and bring the mixture to about 105 degrees, or until the mixture is warm to the touch.
2. Add the mixture to a mixing bowl and add the beaten egg. Immediately add the yeast and let stand until mixture is foamy, about 5 minutes. If using instant yeast, you may simply add the yeast with the flour without proofing first.
3. While yeast activates, measure 7 cups flour in large mixing bowl and add the salt. When yeast mixture is ready, add the flour and knead, adding more flour as necessary, until you have a soft, slightly sticky dough. Knead 6 to 7 minutes, then place in large bowl, cover, and let stand until dough has doubled in size.
4. Divide dough into quarters, then shape the first piece into a round. Roll out dough into a 10-inch circle and cut dough into 8 to 10 triangles, depending on how large you want your rolls. Dip each triangle into the melted butter so that most, but not all, of the dough is coated with butter. Allow the excess to run off, then roll from short side oposite the point into a crescent shape. Place on cookie sheets lined with parchment so the rolls are almost touching. Repeat with the remaining sections of dough until all the rolls have been rolled.
5. Let the rolls rise in a warm place until very puffy, though not necessarily doubled in size. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and bake rolls for 12 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from oven, let stand 5 minutes, then brush with additional melted butter and sprinkle lightly with kosher or sea salt. Serve warm or at room temperature.
6. This dough can also be made into parkerhouse rolls or any other rolls you wish.