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Gloucester Codfish Balls
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 25 Minutes
Servings: 5
Dried salt codfish is a traditional ingredient not only in Northern European cuisine, but also in Mediterranean, West African, Caribbean, and Brazilian cuisines. The ingredient and the dishes made from it are known by many names, for example baccalĂ , bacalhau, bacalao, bacallĂ , morue, klippfisk/clipfish, and saltfiskur. Serve these tasty morsels with tomato sauce. Small balls make a very nice appetizer, too. From the New England chapter of the United States Regional Cookbook, Culinary Arts Institute of Chicago, 1947. Overnight soaking time not included in preparation time.
1 cup dry salt cod fish, soaked overnight in several changes of water
2 1/2 cups potatoes, cubed
1/2 tablespoon butter
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 egg, beaten slightly
1. Pour off water and shred fish by placing on a cutting board and pulling apart with a fork.
2. Cook potatoes until tender, drain thoroughly and return to the pot in which they were cooked.
3. Shake over the heat until thoroughly dry; mash well and add butter and seasonings and beat until light.
4. Add flaked codfish, beaten egg and continue beating until mixture is light and fluffy.
5. Add more salt if necessary.
6. Form into balls and drop into deep hot fat (385F); fry until golden.
7. Drain on absorbent paper and keep warm until ready to serve.