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Fruit Foam
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Prep Time: 15 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 4
From the Victory Cookbook - Nostalgic Food and Facts from 1940 - 1954 - caption on page 'The Ministry of Food wants your cooking secrets'
1 lb fruit, prepared (for cooking)
1 teaspoon gelatin powder
1/4 pint water
1 tablespoon sugar
3 tablespoons powdered milk
3 drops flavoring
1. Cook the fruit with the sugar and as little water as possible. Allow to cool, then beat until smooth pulp.
2. Make the Marshmallow Foam.
3. Allow the fruit to become quite cold then blend it with the Marshmallow Foam and spoon into glasses.
4. Marshmallow Foam - Soften the gelatine with about 2 tablespoons of cold water.
5. Heat the remainder of the water, pour over the gelatine and stir until dissolved.
6. Add the 1 tablespoon sugar and gradually whisk in the milk powder. Continue whisking until the mixture is light and fluffly.
7. Add the flavouring.