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Fresh Fruit Dip
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 20 Minutes
Servings: 10
You won't believe how gorgeous this is with practically any fresh fruit. Use it as a dipping sauce for fresh fruit or to accompany fruit salad. How much sour cream you add really is up to you. Less gives it a stronger caramel taste and more makes it creamier and a bit tart. Either way is yummy.
125 g butter
2/3 cup brown sugar
150 -200 ml light sour cream
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
1. Melt butter and sugar over VERY lOW heat.
2. Stir until it all melts together and the sugar is dissolved. (If it is still a little gritty it doesn't matter, it will smooth out when the sour cream is added).
3. Cool.
4. Add sour cream and vanilla and mix well.
5. Store in airtight container in the fridge.