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French Bread
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Prep Time: 120 Minutes
Cook Time: 35 Minutes
Ready In: 155 Minutes
Servings: 8
This is the best french bread I have ever had! I got recipe years ago from a previous co-worker (after much begging). She swears the secret to this bread is using King Arthur flour. She say's you just don't get the same results using other flours. I took her word for it, and have never deviated from the recipe.
1 (1/4 ounce) package yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
2 cups warm water
5 -6 cups flour (king arthur)
1. Mix 1packet of yeast and sugar in 2 cups of warm water.
2. Set aside until yeast has reacted (5 to 6 minutes).
3. Mix in 5 to 6 cups of flour until dough pulls away from sides of bowl.
4. Knead; place in greased bowl to rise. Cover bowl with towel (1 to 2 hours.).
5. Shape 2 loaves.
6. Place on cookie sheet coated with cornmeal.
7. Place cookie sheet in oven over pan of boiling water.
8. Bake at 400 degree's for 35 to 40 minutes until golden brown,.