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Foolproof Shortbread
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 6
This is what my granddaughter calls a big biscuit, as she loves to help me when ever she visits. So easy to make
115g (4 oz) salted butter, softened
50g (1 3/4 oz) caster sugar
115g (4 oz) plain flour
pinch of salt
50g (1 3/4 oz) ground rice or rice flour
caster sugar for dredging (optional)
1. Pre-heat oven to 180c / gas 4
2. Grease a baking sheet
3. Put butter and sugar in a bowl and beat until pale and fluffy
4. Mix in the flour, salt and ground rice or rice flour, and stir until the mixture has begun to bind together
5. Knead the mixture lightly to form a smooth, pliable dough (do not over work the dough)
6. Transfer the dough to a prepared baking sheet and shape it quickly and lightly into a round 1cm (1/2 inch thick, (again do not over work the dough)
7. Prick all over the surface of the dough with a fork, mark into 6 t0 8 wedges and flute or crimp the edges decoratively
8. Bake for 30-40 minutes, until the shortbread has cooked to a pale golden colour
9. Allow the shortbread to cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool a little.
10. While still warm, put the shortbread on a hard surface and cut or break into the marked wedges, then leave it on the wire rack to cool down completely
11. Dredge with caster sugar before serving