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Prep Time: 120 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 130 Minutes
Servings: 6
A nice homemade flatbread is infinitely preferable to the store bought ones. This is lovely for dipping or just for munching. They never last long in our house!
200 ml milk
200 ml lukewarm water
1 (7 g) packet dried yeast
500 g strong bread flour
25 g salt
25 g butter, softened and cut into cubed
oil, for greasing
1. Mix the milk and water in a jug, sprinkle on the yeast and whisk.
2. Leave for a few minutes in a warm place to let the yeast start working.
3. Meanwhile, mix the flour and salt in a bowl.
4. Rub in the butter, make a well in the centre, and then pour in the yeast mixture a bit at a time, until the liquid is all used up and you can bring the whole thing together as a dough.
5. If it's a bit sticky add a touch more flour or if it's a bit dry add more warm water.
6. Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for five minutes, until shiny and elastic.
7. Rinse out the bowl with hot water.
8. Shape the dough into a neat ball, place in the bowl and cover with oiled cling film.
9. Leave in a warm place until doubled, which can take up to two hours.
10. The dough should feel light and full of air.
11. Once risen, knock back the dough, then knead for a minute or so.
12. To make the flatbread, rip off pieces of the dough and flatten them out.
13. Start with your hands, using a rolling pin to finish the job.
14. Make sure the dough is nice and thin because once you put it on the heat it will puff up and if the bread isn't thin then you'll just get a doughy lump.
15. When you have a few thin pieces of dough, heat a heavy based frying pan and put a flatbread inches.
16. Turn down the heat, leave to crisp up, then flip over and do the other side.
17. Eat immediately!