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Favorite Chocolate Butter Icing
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Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Cook Time: 10 Minutes
Ready In: 15 Minutes
Servings: 8
Favourite Chocolate Butter Icing (Buttercream) Here’s a rich, sumptuous version of chocolate butter icing. You can make a simple cocoa-flavoured icing by following the basic butter icing recipe (one part butter to two parts icing sugar) and adding 1tbsp of cocoa mixed with 0.5tbsp milk. But this recipe, with real melted chocolate, lends a little extra luxury to your cake.
4 ounces icing sugar
2 ounces unsalted butter, softened
1/2 ounce chocolate, broken and melted and then cooled slightly
1 tablespoon milk
1. Just beat the butter until soft and add the icing sugar, beating vigorously. (You can do this in a food processor if you have a half-size bowl.)
2. Then add the melted chocolate and the milk, and beat to combine.
3. Spread over and inside your cakes.
4. Give it a twist: Try this icing with white chocolate, dark chocolate, or a cream liqueur like Baileys instead of the chocolate and milk.