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Favorite Cheese Casserole
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Prep Time: 1 Minutes
Cook Time: 60 Minutes
Ready In: 61 Minutes
Servings: 4
This recipe was featured in a Betty Crocker promotional article in a newspaper from January, 1943. The article was entitled 'Tricking Up Meatless Meals' and suggests serving this 'Favorite Cheese Casserole' with a starter of Vegetable Noodle Soup with Crisp Crackers and then sides of Celery Hearts, Creamed Asparagus or Green Beans, Head Lettuce Salad with French Dressing and finishing the meal with Cherry Pie and Coffee. It's a fun and very easy recipe! I'm posting it here for history's sake. Preparation time includes 1 hour refrigeration time.
12 slices enriched white bread
1/2 lb sharp cheddar cheese, cut in 1/8-inch thick slices
4 egg yolks
2 1/2 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1. Cut off bottom crusts of bread, and enough of top crusts to square off slices.
2. Lay 6 slices close together in well greased 8 x12 inch baking dish.
3. Cover with slices of cheese, then top with remaining 6 slices of bread.
4. Beat egg yolks, add milk and seasonings, and mix well.
5. Pour over sandwiches in baking dish.
6. Let stand in refrigerator several hours. (The liquid will be absorbed by the sandwiches ).
7. Bake in a moderate oven, 350 F for 1 hour.
8. (Used dried crusts later, they are excellent for fine crumbs. Keep egg whites covered in refrigerator to use for white cakes, icings or meringues).