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Faust Nachts
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Prep Time: 240 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 270 Minutes
Servings: 6
Fried dough in my German grandmother's tradition. A treat for Fat Tuesday.
8 cups flour
2 3/4 cups milk (2% or whole)
2 compressed yeast cakes (sub ( 2 3/4 packets)
1/2 teaspoon granulated sugar
1 cup unsalted butter (not margarine)
1 tablespoon salt
4 eggs
1/4 lb powdered sugar
1 quart canola oil
1. Warm 1 cup milk. Add yeast and sugar. Stir and set aside.
2. Melt butter. Add remaining milk. Heat to warm.
3. Add slightly beaten eggs.
4. Add yeast mixture.
5. Add flour, use hole technique, using spoon then hand to mix and knead until dough does not stick to sides of bowl. Add flour if needed.
6. Transfer dough, clean bowl, butter bowl with room temperature butter. Move dough back to bowl; turning dough to cover in butter.
7. Cover bowl with lightweight, dry towel. Set aside for 2 hours or it doubles in size.
8. Punch it, divide it into balls the size of baseballs. Set on wooden board.
9. Cover dough balls for about an 1 hour.
10. Heat Oil.
11. Stretch dough and fry. Turn as dough browns. Remove when both sides brown.
12. Add 1/2 cup 10X sugar to doubled, brown shopping bag. Place faust nacht in bag and shack. Kids love to help in this step.
13. Freeze leftovers before sugaring.