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Fasting Broth
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Servings: 1
This vegetable broth provides potassium and other nutrients in an easily absorbed form. It is a good source of nourishment when your appetite is not good. During a fast, water normally obtained from foods can be replaced with this broth. Read more . You can also drink it daily for continued good digestion.
2 large potatoes (unpeeled), chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
1 large carrot (unpeeled), chopped
1 beet, chopped
1 tsp. kelp powder or strip of kombu seaweed (optional - i don't use this)
6 cups distilled or spring water (most tap water has flouride which should be avoided)
1. Combine ingredients in a stainless steel, enameled or earthenware pot. Cover and bring to a boil; reduce heat and cook slowly for half an hour. Strain. Store in refrigerator. Warm the broth before drinking.