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Fantastic Challah
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Prep Time: 180 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 180 Minutes
Servings: 16
This recipe came from a lot of trial and error. It was the first major thing I learned to cook on my own, so I'm pretty proud of it. I use it for a traditional Shabbos meal, but its good anytime. Most of the prep time is from the dough needing to rise. It's actually very easy to make.
3 1/2 packages yeast
1 3/4 cups warm water, dividied
3/4 cup sugar, plus
1 tablespoon sugar
6 cups bread flour
3 extra large eggs, plus
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup corn oil or 1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon salt
1. This recipe works best in a big mixer, but can be done by hand.
2. I've never tried it in a bread machine.
3. In a separate bowl, proof yeast by mixing with with 3/4 cup of warm water (follow temperature guide on package) and 1T sugar.
4. It should double in size.
5. While yeast is proofing, put dry ingredients into mixing bowl.
6. Wait for the yeast to be ready to add eggs, oil, 1 C warm water, and the yeast mixture.
7. Mix on lowest setting for about a minute then increase slightly to reccommended setting for bread.
8. Mix for 10- 15 minutes adding flour if needed.
9. Dough should be sticky, but pull away from sides of bowl.
10. Leave dough in the same bowl to rise, and cover with a damp cloth.
11. Keep it someplace warm, I like to run the dishwasher at the same time and put the bowl on top.
12. Let it rise for 1 1/2- 2 hours, until double in size.
13. When dough is doubled, turn it out onto a floured surface and knead by hand a little.
14. Oil 2 large loaf pans well, this bread tends to stick.
15. divide the dough in half.
16. You can braid it like traditional challah, or just form into a loaf shape and put it into the pan.
17. To braid it divide each half into three pieces and roll each into a rope.
18. Pinch the ends of three ropes together and alternate crossing the sides over the middle.
19. Pinch the ends together and place in loaf pan.
20. Brush the top with a beaten egg.
21. You can also top with sesame or poppy seeds.
22. Bake for 1/2- 3/4 hour at 350 degrees.
23. Bread should be medium brown and should sound hollow when tapped on the bottom.
24. Let cool on a cake rack.
25. This challah freezes very well if wrapped tightly.
26. It tastes great warm.