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Fannie Farmers All-american White Bread
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 45 Minutes
Ready In: 45 Minutes
Servings: 810
A classic white bread recipe from the Fannie Farmer cookbook. It's exactly what a bread of this type should be: flavorful and filling!
2 tbs shortening
2 1/2 tsp salt
2 tbs sugar
1 cup hot milk
1 cup warm water
1 package (2 1/4 tsp) active dry yeast
6 cups (approximately) white flour (unbleached bread flour preferred)
1. Mix the shortening, salt and sugar in the bowl of a heavy-duty mixer (one that has a dough hook and flat paddle attachment). Add the hot milk and 1/2 cup hot water. Cool to lukewarm.
2. In a small cup or bowl mix the yeast with 1/2 cup warm water and let dissolve, about five minutes.
3. Add the dissolved yeast and 3 cups of the flour to the mixing bowl with the liquid ingredients. Using the flat paddle attachment, mix until blended. Continue to add flour until the paddle can no longer grip the flour mass.
4. Remove paddle mixer, scrape down, and replace with dough hook. Mix dough on slow speed, adding flour until the dough is smooth and elastic. It should not stick to the bottom of the mixing bowl. If desired, you can do the final bit of kneading by hand.
5. Put the dough in a large, greased bowl, cover and let rise until double in bulk.
6. Punch down the dough, remove from bowl, and divide in half. Shape into two loaves and place in greased loaf pans. Cover with waxed or parchment paper.
7. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
8. Let dough in pans rise again until double in bulk. Put into preheated oven and bake for 15 m inutes. Reduce heat to 375 degrees F and bake for another 25 - 30 minutes.
9. Remove loaves from pans and cool on racks.