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Easy Soft French Bread
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Prep Time: 2 Minutes
Cook Time: 30 Minutes
Ready In: 32 Minutes
Servings: 20
My aunt has been making this bread forever. This is easy to make and requires ingredients that are often on hand. It is incredibly delicious!!!
3 cups warm water
1 tablespoon yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon oil
8 cups flour
1. Add sugar, warm water, then yeast into mixing bowl. Let yeast prove.
2. Add rest of ingredients, kneading while adding flour one or two cups at a time.
3. Knead for 5 minutes.
4. Let the dough rise for 1 hour, until doubled.
5. Knead the dough down.
6. Split into two sections.
7. Using rolling pin, one at a time flatten each section into a large rectangle (about 17”x 9”).
8. Roll the dough up to make a long loaf. Pinch the seam closed and turn the ends under.
9. Place the two loaves on separate large cookie sheets, seams down (I lay it diagonally), cover with a light dishtowel, and let rise another hour.
10. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.