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Easy Roasted Garlic
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Prep Time: 3 Minutes
Cook Time: 3 Minutes
Ready In: 6 Minutes
Servings: 8
OK, more easy than roasted, but definitely worth trying. I like to prepare my garlic this way for use in spaghetti, lasagna, pizza and some Cajun dishes because its mellow sweetness adds a nice undertone. And, it's easy! Note, the finished garlic will not be will keep it's shape and just be softer, sweeter, more mellow and very easy to peel!
4 heads garlic, unpeeled and rinsed
1/4-1/2 cup water (use less for less heads)
1 tablespoon olive oil
1. In a microwave safe dish with a lid place the rinsed but unpeeled heads of garlic root side down. Loosen the peel around the neck of the garlic so you can see the individual cloves a bit when you peer down into the neck of each head.
2. Drizzle about 1 TB of olive oil into the necks of each head. If you need more oil, use more. It's not important how much you use. Olive oil is better than canola or vegetable oil because the flavor compliments the garlic.
3. Place lid on dish and microwave at 80% power for about 3 minutes. This is where you really need to use your nose because every microwave is different. About 30 seconds after you start to notice the pungent odor of the garlic cooking it is done. If you smell it before 3 minutes, take it out quickly! Don't walk away - it's like microwave popcorn! It will go from really nice and soft and yummy to rubbery and burned fast. You can peel one clove to see if it's done. It should be tender, not hard (undercooked) or rubbery (overcooked).
4. The peels slip off very easily. I just grab the neck and pull the peels downward.
5. Sure beats using my oven for an hour.
6. Enjoy!