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Easy Aubergines
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 17 Minutes
Ready In: 17 Minutes
Servings: 4
this is so easy to make and a great dish that goes with bread or even just beer! i came up with it when i was out of cooking gas for a few days and couldnt make things the normal indian way...
brinjals / aubergines - 1/2 kilo
onions - 2 big
green chiilies - according to taste
tomatoes - 1 big
garlic - the more the merrier
freshly crushed pepper
olive oil - 3 tablespoons
1. cut the brinjals into 4 pieces each lengthwise
2. cut the onions and tomatoes into strips - not too fine
3. cut the green chillies lengthwise
4. peel and mash the garlic
5. combine all the ingredients in a bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper
6. add whatever dry herbs you like
7. lay out the contents of the bowl on a tray and pop it in the oven [ pre heated to about 150] its better to put everything in foil first.
8. once its cooked, sprinkle some fresh corriander leaves over it and serve
9. goes great with garlic bread, indian breads like roti
10. please forgive my proportions, i just cook by instinct and am never sure how much of what goes into anything i make...