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Prep Time: 60 Minutes
Cook Time: 60 Minutes
Ready In: 120 Minutes
Servings: 4
Apple Cider Reduction with a splash of Balsamic Vinegar Recipe inspired by Chris Fennimore from WQED cooks. This is awesome with roasted brussel sprouts and is now the only way I will eat sprouts.... for carnivores it works well for basting a pork tenderloin. I'm sure there are many uses for this easy and delicious recipe. It looks beautiful in the jars on your shelf (wish I had a photo but didn't want to delay posting since cider is on sale this week) Also, when I can I use 4 ounce and 8 ounce jars depending... great for gift giving and inexpensive too. I would just include Sharon123's recipe for roasting sprouts, concerning the sprouts I prefer using something buttery vs. the olive oil when using the Drizzle but honestly either are delicious.
1 gallon fresh pressed apple cider (the kind that is not clear and needs to be refrigerated)
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar (optional, i entered 1 teaspoon but start with one and add until you are satisfied)
1. put one gallon of apple cider in crock pot if you don't have time to babysit -.
2. if using a crock pot you may end up having to leave the lid slightly askew so moisture can escape.
3. If on the stove bring to a boil then turn down right away to a simmer.
4. You want to reduce this down to about 1/3. The best way to describe the right consistency is thinner than maple syrup, but if put into the frig it will become loosely gelatinous.
5. Once the cider has reduced to your liking start adding the balsamic vinegar, I just use a splash, you may like more or less, or you may wish to leave it out all together.
6. If I'm canning this I strain mine through a jelly bag as I prefer it clear, but if I'm using it straight away I don't bother with this step.
7. pour into sterile jars and boil water bath for ten minutes.
8. prep and cooking times are estimates since it depends on your method.