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Doggie Exotic Chow
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Prep Time: 20 Minutes
Cook Time: 20 Minutes
Ready In: 40 Minutes
Servings: 4
from our friend Thistle
1 1/2 tablespoons oil
2 ounces cabbage, cut into thin strips
2 ounces carrots, cut into thin strips
1/2 green pepper, cut into thin strips
6 ounces chicken, cooked and diced
1. Heat the oil in a saucepan or wok.
2. Add veggies, stirring briskly until edges begin to turn brown.
3. Mix in cooked chicken, stir thoroughly.
4. Take off heat and allow to cool.
5. Serve when cool.
6. You can add other veggies, like celery, green beans, spinach, all fresh not canned.