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Deviled Almonds
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 10 Minutes
Servings: 6
from american home cooking
salad oil
cayenne pepper
1. pour boiling water over the almonds and let sit for a few minutes.
2. drain a few at a time and pinch off the brown skins.
3. dry the blanched almonds on a clean kitchen towel making sure that they are really dry.
4. in a heavy frying pan heat 1 or 2 tbsp salad oil.
5. the amount depends on the size of the pan but it really just needs to be a thin film just enough to prevent almonds from scorching.
6. over medium heat fry the almonds until they are beginning to get golden brown.
7. shake pan constantly to prevent sticking or stir with a fork. drain almonds on a paper towel, and while they are hot sprinkle with salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Serve hot.