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Delicious Candied Cinnamon Yams
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 1 Minutes
Ready In: 1 Minutes
Servings: 8
this recipe I learned several years ago as a military wife in virgina.. I was taught how to make this while spending thanksgiving with another family who had invited us over.. I have made it every year now for about 25 years
you will need 3 cans of yams
1 package of margarine 4 sticks
2 packages of cinnamom imperials
one box of brown sugar
first you will layer botton of baking dish with a layer of brown sugar. then you will layer with slices of margarine.. than layer with yams (slices) then add a layer of cinnamon imperials then start a new layer.. add a layer of margarine then the brown sugar then the cinnamom imperials and then yams again then margaine brown sugar and cinnamom imperials.. i normally bake for about an hour at about 400 degrees... this is a great dish for the holidays..
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