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Dateorade (Raw Vegan)
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Prep Time: 10 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 10 Minutes
Servings: 2
(LFRV compliant!) Popular high-carb high-calorie get you moving drink loved by many Low Fat Raw Vegans aka Frugivores! Struggling to get your calories in? This is the key & tastes amazing!! The amount of water is up to you - less for more of a pudding and extra for more of a milky drink. Play with the ratios to find what you prefer!! Popularized by Freelee . Soft, succulent, organic medjool dates are best but any will do. Soak your dates for 6 hours or overnight. If you can't get organic then discard the soaking water or drain & rinse about half way through the soak time and keep the second round of soak water. (Times don't include soaking). Remember food combining!! This will move fast through your system so nothing heavier before and wait an hour after sweet fruit for a different type.
10 dates, pitted and soaked (high quality organic medjool are optimal)
3 cups water (vary for different consistencies)
1. Put soaked pitted dates in blender add desired amount of water, blend, and ENJOY!
2. Add some fresh orange juice for a lovely spin. (Possible bad food combo - try it and see if you digest it well).