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Danish Puff Pastry
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Prep Time: 0 Minutes
Cook Time: 0 Minutes
Ready In: 0 Minutes
Servings: 10
A flakey, buttery, sweet puff pastry flavored with almond extract. This is a fantastic sweet component of a brunch prepared for special guests.
1 c flour
1/2 c butter
2 tbsp water
1/2 c butter
1 c water
1 tsp almond extract
1 c flour
3 eggs
2 tbsp butter
1 c powdered sugar
cream or milk
1/2 c sliced almonds or chopped pistachios
1. CRUST: Heat oven to 350. Measure first cup of flour into a bowl, cut in 1/2 c butter, sprinkle with 2 Tbsp water, and mix with a fork. Form dough into a ball and divide in half. Pat into two, approximately 12 x 3 inch, strips. Arrange crust strips approximately 3 inches apart on an ungreased baking sheet.
2. PUFF: In a medium sauce pan, melt 1/2 c butter into 1 c water and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add almond extract. Beat in 1 c flour, stirring quickly to prevent lumping. When mixture is smooth, add one egg at a time, beating well after each addition until smooth. Divide puff mixture in half and spread evenly over both strips of crust.
3. BAKE: approximately 1 hour at 350 degrees. Puff has a tendency to shrink while cooling, leaving a custardy portion in the center.
4. GLAZE: Blend 2 Tbsp butter with 1 c powdered sugar and enough cream or milk to reach desired consistency. Glaze while slightly warm and sprinkle with sliced almonds or chopped pistachios.